Cycle Parking
Cycle hangars
Westminster City Council's existing on-street residential cycle parking hangars are a roaring success. Every cycle hangar is full and has a waiting list to rent one of its six secure cycle parking spaces at a cost of £40/year or £32/year if you are a council tenant.
Register here your interest for secure cycle storage in Westminster.
Abandoned bikes
Bikes left abandoned on cycle parking stands not only are a blot on the landscape but also reduce Westminster's already limited number of cycle parking places.
In order to get an abandoned bike removed in Westminster, you can report it to https://www.westminster.gov.uk/report-recycling-rubbish-and-street-cleansing-problem .
Before removing abandoned bikes, councils have to leave a notice of their intention on them for seven days and to retain them for 14 days after removal.
Contrary to popular belief, councils do not usually remove actively used bikes locked to street furniture unless they are dangerous or causing an obstruction.
In the private Sheldon Square, you will need to report abandoned bikes to jason.hurd@paddingtoncentral.com