Consultation closed
The council questionnaire covered all 11 temporary cycle routes in Westminster. The results showed overwhelming support for making the temporary routes permanent. Thank you for helping to make cycling safe in Westminster!
Below are details of each route and our recommendation to improve the cycle lanes to ensure that they are safe for everyone to use.
Portland Place
Please protect people cycling in these lanes by floating the parking outside the cycle lane. This will make it suitable for all age and abilities. Currently vehicles can and do enter the cycle lane which is intimidating for even the most confident cyclist. Also, please make junctions along the route safer, to prevent conflict between cyclists and turning vehicles.
2. Paddington Area
(This refers to Spring St, Brook St, London St, Sussex Place and Stanhope Terrace.)
For the cycle lanes in the Paddington area, either:
- Protect the lanes in the form of wands or other barriers, which may involve removing some parking or floating it outside the lane
- Or remove through traffic, which would create low-traffic streets where no protection for cycling is required.
This area is crucial for connecting Paddington station to Cycle Superhighway 3. Improve connectivity by:
- Making Brook Street and Spring Street two-way for cycling for safer, more direct connections.
- Adding a signalised right turn for cycles from Brook St onto the Bayswater Road cycle lane.
3. Buckingham Palace Road
Bus lanes are a good temporary solution but not everyone feels safe to cycle in them. Better options include: 1) separate bus and cycle lanes on this wide road; 2) segregated cycle lanes, without bus lanes (with cycle ‘bypasses’ at bus stops); or 3) a ‘bus gate’ to prioritise buses and bikes over general traffic.
4. Abingdon Street
Keep the temporary arrangement of timed closures to motor vehicles and consider extending the hours.
This route is crucial for connecting Cycle Superhighway 3 and 8.
5. Queensway / Inverness Terrace
Either make space for protected cycle lanes, reducing parking spaces as needed, or remove through motor traffic to make this a safe cycle route. Closing Queensway to through traffic except buses (on a timed basis) would create a safe, attractive and direct route for walking and cycling as well as benefit local businesses.
6. Westbourne Terrace corridor
Protect the cycle lanes with wands. The junction with Bishops Bridge Road needs modifying, even with temporary materials, to make it safe for cyclists - the current layout is dangerous. Also improve access for southbound cyclists from Westbourne Terrace Road and Harrow Road (eastbound).
7. Harrow Road
Provide continuous, protected cycle tracks, for instance with wands. Bus stops should have ‘bypasses’ for cycling. Loading and parking can be either relocated to side streets or ‘floated’ outside the cycle lane to protect people cycling from moving vehicles.
8. Lupus Street
Protect the cycle tracks with wands or barriers and/or ‘float’ parked cars to the outside of the cycle tracks.
9. Northumberland Avenue
Protect the cycle tracks with wands or barriers and for the permanent scheme create bypasses for cycles to continue safely past bus stands.
10. Paddington - Royal Oak
This cycle link at Westway is a welcome improvement. However, it’s only one way – more work on connectivity for cycling needs to be done at this junctions. It also needs lighting to make it feel safer at night.
11. Bayswater Road
We strongly recommend adding protection to the cycle lanes, such as wands. It should be 24/7, with double yellow lines along its whole length. Parking for the art market on Sunday could be relocated to the Lancaster Gate war memorial.